Monday, May 26, 2014

Those Pesky Summaries

So you've finished off the latest revision of your manuscript, and have decided it's time to try sending it out. "That's great," you might think. And the excitement might even last for a few hours. But then, when it's time to proof your query letter and make sure that summary is absolutely perfect, the excitement starts to wear off. There's so much pressure put on the summary you write for your book. (Although much of it may be self-inflicted.) I still don't know if the summary is perfect, but I think I'm getting close to something, so I've decided to post it and see what some of you may have to say about it. Feel free to leave any suggestions/comments in the comments box at the bottom. I'd love to hear from you!

Summary of Desiderium:
At any given time there is exactly one Desiderium walking the Earth. And no matter what anyone might think they saw, that person absolutely cannot be seventeen-year-old Rhiley Winters. No way. The Desiderium, after all, has the power to make her strongest desires a reality—literally. The last one wished for a baby with every fiber of her being, and minutes later a screaming infant appeared out of thin air. And that’s nothing like what just happened to Rhiley in history class. Not even close.

But let’s just say Rhiley was the Desiderium (hypothetically speaking, of course). She would be the reason no one on this planet is allowed to feel desire. Plus there’s the tiny detail of finding herself at the top of every government’s most wanted list. After all, there’s no telling what kind of havoc she could wreak on society with her newfound ability. And if they do execute her (which would be highly unnecessary because she’s definitely not the Desiderium), as soon as she dies the ability would be passed on to someone else, and Rhiley would be nothing but a black mark in history books for generations to come.

So, really, the fact that she just wished for more time and time is now literally frozen around her doesn’t mean anything. And the fact that the hot new student witnessed everything doesn’t matter. Because there has to be another explanation. Her life depends on it.

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