Friday, April 20, 2012


For starters, welcome to my blog!

I'm a Children's/Young Adult Librarian at the Hartford Public Library and work as a Chlidren's/Young Adult bookseller on the side. Whlie I do love children's books, my passion is YA books. I read them, I talk them, I write them, I live them. There's nothing like a good YA book to keep you up in bed until 5 o'clock in the morning when you have to be at work at 9. If only my husband who has the unfortunate task of dragging me out of bed in the morning could say the same!

I've recently finished the fourth draft of my YA novel Desiderium and am starting to consider sending it off to agents (if I'm ever able to work up the courage). I thought introducing my idea through a blog would be the best place to start. Not to mention, that with having a life that revolves around YA books, I have so much to say about them. But more on that later.

My first blog is going to be all about Desiderium. For the last year and a half most of my free time has been going toward writing, editing, re-editing, and further re-editing this book. I keep going through the manuscript over and over again, and I still somehow haven't gotten tired of it yet. I secretly hope that's because the book is that good. More likely though, I've just fallen in love with the world I've created. I can only hope that there is some agent out there who feels the same. In the meantime though, I'll settle for being able to convince my readers that my story is worth sharing. So here goes.

In The States, desire is illegal.

Rhiley Winters lives in a world where one person has the power to change anything by simply desiring it with every fiber of their being. The only thing is, no one knows who that person is. Society will stop at nothing to be protected from the Desiderium, who they fear more than anything. After all, the Desiderium they've already killed were responsible for making it impossible for people to have more than two children, defend themselves with armies, or eat anything without automatically gaining weight.

Like everyone else, Rhiley refuses to let herself feel desire until she meets Isaak and time literally stands still around them. Rhiley is desperate to figure out his secret, but can she bear to tell him hers? Especially with the government monitoring their every desire. Can she survive in a world in which husbands and wives, fathers and sons, and brothers and sisters turn on each other at the slightest suspicion? As she struggles to survive and keep her secrets from the government, she begins to realize that things aren't always what they seem.

Cross your fingers for me!


  1. It sounds intriguing. I am proud of you and I am looking forward to seeing more about your book.

  2. Seems like you are off to a great start

  3. Great blog - I can't wait to read the next installment, or whatever it is in a blog.

  4. I've been privileged to read your YA novel, and as one YA lit nut to another... I'm excited to see what you'll post

  5. Keep the blogs coming. I have not read YA fiction since I as a YA a long time ago. It definately sounds like the plots have kept up with, or have surpassed the society of today.

  6. Your grandfather has been trying to post, but we cannot get it to go through.....
