Sunday, March 10, 2013


I've spent the last few months editing the first chapter of Desiderium, and while I still have a bit more work to put into it, I think I may have finally nailed the first paragraph of the book. My husband keeps asking me why I'm spending so much time on the first chapter. The answer: because beginnings are so hard. Not only is it hard to start the story in the right place, but also to gradually give information to the reader at the correct rate, and introduce the right number of characters at the right time. And on top of that, it's the first thing prospective agents will see, so it's important to get it right.

With that being said, sometimes I feel like this lady who seems very frustrated with her laptop. At any rate, I've decided to post the  first paragraph of my book.

Desiderium Opening:

A flickering yellow light draws my gaze to the steel band clinging to my wrist. It’s been weeks since I set off my bracelet, but it was bound to happen again sooner or later. Especially since I can’t seem to stop obsessing over how many things I have to do, and how little time there is to do them. Then before I know it, those thoughts quickly become something more—almost, just almost, wanting more time. The next thing I know, the dopamine in my bloodstream is dangerously close to the legal limit. I really need to be more careful. 

Feel free to give feedback of what you think. I'll be back later this week to give another book review. Back to writing...

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