Monday, March 4, 2013


Snoopy typing

After spending hours working on a pitch for a Pitchapalooza event, I thought I would share my pitch with you. Summing up my book has been one of the hardest things for me to do, and I have to say, I'm finally happy with what I came up with. Let me know what you guys think.

Desiderium Pitch:

At any given time, there is exactly one Desiderium walking the Earth with the power to turn desires into reality. With the world constantly at the mercy of one person's whims, governments around the world are forced to outlaw desire and execute anyone suspected of having the ability. The only problem: as soon as the Desiderium is killed, the ability is passed onto another, and no one, not even the new Desiderium, is aware of their identity until they desire something so strongly it actually happens.

Preoccupied with covering up her own secrets, seventeen-year-old Rhiley Winters has little trouble suppressing her desires. Usually. And like everyone else, she is more than eager to let the government monitor her desires in exchange for protection. That is, until one morning when she wishes for more time and finds it standing still around her.

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