Sunday, March 24, 2013

Endlessly Review

Endlessly (Paranormalcy, #3)In a time crunch to get to my next book review for SLJ, I just finished reading Endlessly by Kiersten White, which is the third in the Paranormalcy trilogy. I finished the second installment, Supernaturally, a few weeks ago, and started right onto the third one, but for some reason I found it really hard to get through. I was so close to the end of the series though, that I had to plow through. All in all I think it just needed to be majorly edited before being published.

Endlessly Summary:
Evie's paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the International Paranormal Containment Agency wants to drag her back to headquarters. The Dark Faerie Queen is torturing humans in her poisonous realm. And supernatural creatures keep insisting that Evie is the only one who can save them from a mysterious, perilous fate.

The clock is ticking on the entire paranormal world. And its fate rests solely in Evie's hands.

So much for normal.

Endlessly Review:
The author's voice in this book was still really good, but not quite as excellent as it was in the first two books in the series. I was still interested in finding out how Evie's story ended, but getting there was a bit of a challenge. The book was almost 400 pages, but could have easlily been weeded down to 300 pages without missing out on much.

One thing that also irked me a little about the book was that throughout the first half, paranormals were pushing Evie to open this intergalactic gate for them to go through, and she was stubbornly refusing even though she didn't have the facts. It make sense for her to initally refuse, but after awhile, her refusal didn't make much sense anymore.

All in all, I'm glad I read it because I really wanted to know how Evie's story ended, but it didn't quite live up to my expectations. For anyone who really enjoyed the first two though, I would definitely recommend it.

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