Thursday, March 14, 2013

Paranormalcy Review

I recently read the first two books in the Paranormalcy series by Kiersten White and loved them. I even managed to get one of my co-workers hooked. Not to mention a few teens who frequent the library.

Paranormalcy Summary:
Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)Evie's always thought of herself as a normal teenager, even though she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, her ex-boyfriend is a faerie, she's falling for a shape-shifter, and she's the only person who can see through paranormals' glamours.

But Evie's about to realize that she may very well be at the center of a dark faerie prophecy promising destruction to all paranormal creatures.

So much for normal.

Paranormalcy Review:
Rigth away, even after reading the dust jacket, I knew the author had a really strong voice. If any of you have ever wondered what exactly voice is, it's the author's personality shining through the writing. A voice can be snarky, funny, sarcastic, etc. If any writers have yet to find a great example of strong voice, read this book. It's a great example.

For one thing, the premise of this book is so new and refreshing, especially when you consider that the paranormal genre is mostly vampires, angels, and werewolves these days. But this book introduces many new paranormal creatures, and paints old creatures in a new light.

On top of that, I fell in love with Evie, the main character, and loved the love story that White told. I was hooked until the very end and would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun, fresh read.

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